The RMS216 FOLCROM is a high quality passive mixer intended for analog summing of multichannel digital mixes. The sound is up to you and your preamps.
Each of the Folcrom's sixteen input channels features a balanced analog connection on standard 8-channel DB25 connectors and a pair of pushbutton switches to assign that channel to the Left or Right output, neither, or both. It uses no active circuitry and provides no gain or level controls. By controlling all aspects of the mix from within the DAW, automation and recallability are perfectly preserved. Up to 16 different tracks or submixes can then be routed to the Folcrom for summing in the analog domain.
The absence of faders, EQ, aux sends, pan knobs, or any other superfluous features not only preserves your software automation, it also allows for an elegant passive circuit using no amplifiers, ICs, transistors, capacitors, or transformers whatsoever. The simplicity of the fully balanced, symmetrical signal path allows the use of no-compromise passive components for an absolutely transparent signal path. The unit passes signals "from DC to daylight" without coloration.