The MASSIVE PASSIVE is a two channel, four band equalizer, with additional high pass and low pass filters. "Passive" refers to the tone shaping part of this clever new EQ design not using any active circuitry. Only metal film resistors, film capacitors and hand-wound inductors sculpt the sound, kinda like a Pultec EQ on hyper-steroids. Super-beefy, hugely-high-headroom Manley all-tube make-up gain amplifiers deliver your tunes into the next realm. "Massive".... it's a fitting word for this beast. You'll need to experience this.
The Filters
5 frequencies Hi Pass and bypass, PLUS 5 frequencies Lo Pass with bypass. We made them extra steep. 36 dB/oct ! Why? When you need to remove the garbage, this does the trick and allows more of the real music to be untouched. The other reason is that it sounds killer when combined with the regular bands. Towards the mids this degree of steepness may be tamed somewhat. We're going for pure "usefulness" not "well, we guess it's standard". Thinking drums and guitar stacks, and other tough jobs. These filters are passive too.
- High Pass Filters = 22, 39, 68, 120, 220, OFF
- Low Pass Filters = 6K, 7K5, 9K, 12K, 18K, OFF
Parametric Frequencies
LOW - 22, 33, 47, 68, 100, 150, 220, 330, 470, 680, 1K
LM - 82, 120, 180, 270, 390, 560, 820, 1K2, 1K8, 2K7, 3K9
HM - 220, 330, 470, 680, 1K, 1K5, 2K2, 3K3, 4K7, 6K8, 10K
HI - 560, 820, 1K2, 1K8, 2K7, 3K9, 5K6, 8K2, 12K, 16K, 27K