TC Electronic Ditto X2 2 Switch Looper Guitar Pedal

TC Electronic Ditto X2 2 Switch Looper Guitar Pedal

Sale: $171.70 $85.85 ( 50% OFF )


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Loops and Bounds Ahead
Ditto Looper X2

The original Ditto Looper rocked guitarists with a lust for looping like nothing else. Finally something that was simple, made for guitarists and sounded great. What would possibly be better? Well, how about all of that, plus new, next level looping features forged from pure awesome?

  • Dedicated Start/Stop Button
  • Looper effects: Stop, Reverse and Half Speed
  • Loop Import/Export and Backing tracks

Start Where We Began
Guitarists love Ditto Looper like nothing else. Its ultra simple design and guitar-centric features like true-bypass, analog dry-through, high quality audio, as well as 5 minutes of looping time and unlimited overdubs resonated with guitarists around the world. So why mess with what we nailed the first time?

History Repeating
Let ya in on a little secret? We love effects. But to us they need to make sense, and the resurgence of loopers fueled by Ditto Looper had more and more guitarists scream: loop-laden effects please! Ditto Looper X2 allows you to play loops in reverse, half-speed or both at the same time. Which, as you might imagine, can make for a subtle performance or a jaw dropping show that makes the audience stop dead in their tracks.

Free Your Mind
Your loops are a reflection of you. So, to have them trapped in a tiny box just doesn't make any sense. Now, you are free to export your loops and work with them in a DAW of your choice, or you can import loops and even backing tracks to and take them to gigs. Small sentence, HUGE advantage for gigging musicians!

Backstage Pass - All Access
If the original Ditto Looper was a homerun, Ditto Looper X2 would be a grandslam. That's a cool thing made even cooler, for those of you not into sports. Let's have a look at all the features, and you'll see exactly what we mean.

Dirt simple looping
The UI on Ditto Looper X2 flows really nice and is super simple, so you can focus on performing and playing.

Stereo In/Out
Another much requested feature, your loops can now go nice and wide.

Unlimited overdubs
Unlimited. That's a lot. Point is, you'll run out of ideas before Ditto Looper X2 gives in.

High quality sounds
Audiophile approved 24-bit uncompressed high quality audio. The audio nerds at HQ assure us that's really really good. We know it as CD quality. And Ditto Looper X2 sounds brilliant.

Loop FX
You can now reverse loops or slow them down to ½ speed, which makes for cool parts, tension-building and hey, aren't you the musician? Sure you can come up with how YOU are going to kick maximum hiney with these.

True bypass and Analog-Dry-Through
Ah, the forums these two terms have filled. Basically, they ensure zero tone coloration and maximum signal integrity.

Undo / Redo function
Fade parts out, then bring them back with ease, making for a more fun experience and better performance.

Import/Export loop from PC/Mac
This greatly adds to the versatility for Ditto Looper X2. Preload your perfected loop for a gig, bring backing a track and easily export that special loop into your favorite DAW for well whatever you want to DAW, really.

Backing Track
Having a backing track right at your feet that you can layer and reset as many times as you like makes practicing more fun and gigging a lot easier.

5 minutes of looping
Enough to play eruption. Twice!

Dedicated Stop/Clear footswitch
A request directly from the guitar community, so we made it happen.

The Evolooption of Ditto
Ditto X2 is the natural evolution of Ditto Looper. We've listened to all the feedback we've had from happy Ditto users and carefully selected a handful of amazing features that are designed specifically to take your looping to the next level. Ditto X2 is for when you want to get serious about looping, but without sacrificing that signature-simplicity that guitar players know and love from Ditto Looper.

One thing we decided to focus on was a dedicated stop-button. If you have ever tried looping during a live performance then you know the importance of being able to stop the loop exactly when you want to. Ditto X2 lets you use the FX footswitch as a dedicated stop, letting you end things nice and easy.

Oh, and speaking of nice and easy - we've collaborated with JamTrackCentral to give you a package of some of the best backing tracks available. The tracks are expertly recorded, feature solos by top guitarists and - best of all - they're free of charge when you buy a Ditto X2!

Ditto Looper X2's Specifications:
  • The guitarist's looper - made by guitarists for guitarists 
  • Loop FX (Reverse and ½ speed)
  •  Import/Export loops from PC/Mac
  •  Backing Track - perfect for solo practice and live performance
  •  Stereo In/Out
  • Undo / Redo function
  • Unlimited overdubs
  • Audiophile approved 24-bit uncompressed high quality audio
  • Dedicated Stop/Clear footswitch
  • True bypass and Analog-Dry-Through
  •  5 minutes of looping

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